Mona Neubaur, Minister of Economic Affairs of NRW, Visits

We are honored to have welcomed Mona Neubaur, Minister of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection, and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, to GmbH!

Her visit highlights the recognition of our AI-driven innovation in medical imaging. Minister Neubaur stated: “The AI software developed by, which supports radiologists in detecting cancer on MRI scans, is a prime example of how innovation can simultaneously enhance patient health and assist doctors in their work.”

We are grateful for Minister Neubaur’s engagement—not only in our technology but also in the broader discussion of how to support university startups on their journey to market.

Special thanks go to Dr. Hans-Udo Klein and the BTO Holding GmbH, who actively supports in all aspects of the go-to-market process with valuable advice and hands-on assistance!

Last but not least, we deeply appreciate the ongoing support of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. Our sincere thanks to Rector Prof. Michael Hoch and Dean of the Medical Faculty, Prof. Bernd Weber, for their participation in this important event!

Left to right: Dr. Martin Garbade (CTO, Prof. Alexander Effland (General Manager, Dr. Robert Haase (Head Clinical, PD Dr. Katerina Deike (CEO, Mona Neubaur (Minister for Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection, and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia), Prof. Michael Hoch (Rector, University of Bonn), Prof. Alexander Radbruch (Director, Clinic for Neuroradiology, University Hospital Bonn, Co-founder relios-vision), Dr. Hans-Udo Klein (Serial Founder and Investor, Prof. Dr. Bernd Weber (Dean, Medical Faculty, University of Bonn).

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